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12 Apps of Christmas


Evernote logoMy colleagues love this app. The basic version is free. You can use it take notes, track tasks, and save things you find online. It’ll sync everything between your phone and computer automatically so it can save you time as well. 

Available on: Android, iOS

Top tips

1. Unless you have paid for premium, you have to download notes if you want to use them offline

2. You can take photos within the notes themselves –adding ppt slides, or other info easily

3. To do lists are quite useful (see below)

4. You can choose to write or, if you prefer, draw which I got excited about (again, see below)

5. Annotating is easy. Add arrows and stand out text to draw attention to something.

6. You can sync across a variety of devices – PC, Android, iOS 

7. You can share notes for collaboration

evernote to do list with annotated drawing of xmas tree